Friday, February 2, 2007


I finally got around to watching the movie "Troy," when I should have been working on the comic. Oh well, it will still be up on time.

I really liked this movie, but I am a fan of most of Brad Pitt and Eric Bana's films. This is just one more reason why I would want to become an actor. I know it's been a little while since the film came out but for some reason I had a really bad dry spell and didn't go to see any movies in theatres and if I don't go when they're in theatres I usually don't get around to watching them for a long while after that.

Still waiting on the Hulk 2, and still waiting for Brad Pitt to pick up a superhero movie. Though, I don't know which one he could play. I think he would make a good Flash for DC Comics.

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